السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين والصّلاة والسّلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين سيّدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Adapun kemudian dari itu, ana merasa sangat gembira kerana dengan izinNya masih lagi diberikan kesempatan & kemampuan untuk sekali lagi membina blog bagi mencoretkan pengalaman ana yang mudah-mudahan akan dapat memanfaati para pembaca sekalian, insyAllah.

Pun begitu, ana yang jahil ini sangat-sangat mengharapkan teguran & pembetulan yang ikhlas serta penuh ukhuwwah Islamiyyah dari para pembaca sekiranya ada dari catatan ana nanti mengandungi kelemahan-kelemahan & kesilapan-kesilapan. Mudahan dengan teguran & pembetulan dari saudara semua, segala kesilapan & kelemahan dapat ana perbaiki. Jadi ana terlebih dahulu mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas kesudian & keikhlasan saudara itu. Semoga Allah t.a. menilainya sebagai satu amalan jariah di sisiNya.

Wa Billahit Taufiq Wal Hidayah,

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Monday, December 6, 2010

Learning Technique

For those who have succeeded with flying colors; some learning approach has been adopted.
Researchers have also learned techniques to produce some effective learning approach.
It's up to us as students to the techniques most appropriate and most easily understood.
To help the students here are some techniques learned will be expressed.
5R-STUV Learning Techniques 1. Recopy [copy back] 2. Rework all models 5 x [for re-contoh/cepat/5x] 3. Recite out loud Repeatedly [strong words over and over again] 4. Recheck [review] 5. Reasonnablenes [reasonable answer / otherwise]
s-sumarize [summarize important notes] 2. t your self-test [Test yourself] 3. u-use [use] 4. V-visualize [imagine always]
Technical Learning Shadowing We have what is called the right brain and left brain. Left Brain pattern involves thinking 'academic' as the words, numbers, scientific ability, mathematical, and language analysis is to analyze and use the right hand. The right brain is concerned involves rhythm, imagination, color, imagination, inspiration, patterns, dimensions and use the left hand. The question arises whether we are using both sides of the brain to the wise. For instance, do we always use our right brain to menghayalkan or education or is it always used to mengimaginasi menghayalkan and personal problems, false desires, revenge, envy, jealousy, practicing black magic and a feeling that is not related to education. If the right brain is not fully used to fancy education, it was time we mengkikis all fantasy and imagination, use every free and readily available saaat to use imagination to envision education. Shadowing techniques necessary convergence. Serious convergence is necessary. The best situation is desolate as the rest, while lying down before bed, while sitting alone to calm the mind, while riding a bus or taxi, while at the bus station and others. For example, we take the atmosphere lying down at bedtime. Room was dark> desolate situation. In this situation, calm the mind. Began to imagine the questions, the king, tables, graphs, and any that have been studied. The shadow of it one by one. To strengthen the focus on writing, painting what the mind of the mattress with your forefinger. Amalakan this every night. about yourself, one to one question, subject to the subjects until the fall. Repeat if awakened in the middle of the night. Eat it from day to day, week to week, month to month commencing ddari level 1 to level 6. If this imaginary space dipositifkan with a healthy mind, you will feel the results of this effort. For those of you who have not mengamalkannnya, try to start from now.
The secrets behind the outstanding student of time management. 1. The time before bedtime - the time before lying down to sleep. Aamalkan techniques learned in the shadow. Write or solve problems by using the index finger to write on mattresses. 2. The time awaken in the middle of the night (Learn as No.1) 3. Wake time. Dawn / pagi.Bayangkan lesson yesterday. 4. Time to the morning toilet (remember the forgotten item) 5. Time of going to the toilet at night (same as No.4) 6. Time mirror (mirror Close Attach important notes) 7. Breakfast time (Read the piece the two newspapers) 8. Walking to school time (Ask yourself, tables and formulas) 9. Bus waiting time (note cards or imagined Revision) 10. Time on the bus or train (daily refresher / quick) 11. Walking to school time (Ask yourself section tables, formulas and etc.) 12. The time until the early morning to school (daily refresher / quick) 13. Waiting time teacher will be missed (quick refresher) 14. Rest (to the library briefly read books) 15. Time prior to returning (Lwatkan home for homework) 16. Time running back (ask yourself chapter tables) 17. Time in the bus (read note cards) 18. Rest time after eating (read the novel / magazine) 19. Interval after the n night (Read the newspaper articles, etc.) 20. Time watching TV (drawing diagrams, maps, stationery and other formula)
LEARN THE MORNING HOURS Other times to be managed. 1. Ditelipon-time chat shorting 2. While helping his father and mother (to learn how to shadow) 3. Waiting time doctors (Note card revision) 4. Running time of the confines of the school (question / answer you) 5. Time of the meeting (revision note card before the meeting) 6. Radio listening time (less time) 7. Waiting time a friend (revision note cards) 8. Time visitors to the house (if the public, to learn at the library) If you practice these times to learn properly and discipline, you will surely excel.
Learn techniques PV3R 1. Preview (initial review) 2. Question (about yourself) 3. Read & Underline (Read, lines and signs) 4. Recite & write (words and write a note) 5. Review (final review) 6. Sumarize (briefly) 7. Test your self (test yourself) 8. Use (use) 9. Visualize (imagine)
7 How the Brain Cemerlangkan 1. Positive mental attitude & positive physical action. 2. Air-Clean Water for the brain. 3. Mental Challenges for the brain. 4. Food for the brain. 5. Exercise for the brain. 6. Sleep for the brain. 7. Meditation & brain power. /
The practice of increasing memory 1. Understand. 2. Stand / break time to learn. 3. Recited the contents key with a powerful way. 4. Believe in yourself. 5. Repeat several times. 6. Use keywords, said signal. secret words & phrases funny. 7. Review the current lay before bed & woke up. 8. Imagine always (20 times the distinction).

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